Nc A& T State University Job Opportunities

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Good morning everyone! This sub has been so helpful during my time at WGU that I wanted to give back and share some advice. My background: I currently work in the IT department of a lab. I am a laboratory information system analyst. I configure tests, profiles, and reports. I also lead projects and develop validation plans. I don't consider it "real" IT like but I use ternary operators for logic when building everything. I mentioned my project management experience and the use of ternary operators during interviews. Education background: I already have a BS degree so all my general education classes transferred in. I took calculus through Straigherline. It took a month. I bought an older model CAS calculator off eBay for 40 dollars and it was worth its weight in gold. WGU education: I completed the program in 11 months. I researched the courses here and in the course chatter for the best tips. The longest class was C993 (it has since been retired) and it took 5 weeks but I passed it the first time.

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